Using Air ConditionerYou're a clever buyer if you have already purchased a quality air conditioner – the one that provides efficient air circulation and does not consume higher amount of electricity. But the question is: are you a good user too? Well, there's a difference between the two and you'll only know that the moment you're already using such home equipment, especially during summer. And while you have the product manual with which you can properly maintain it, there will be an instance where having assistance from a technician is a necessity. It's when you encounter trouble probably because of the old-age of the appliance or simply for the improper use. You can avoid this problem, of course; that's by following these guides in using your aircon unit:

Replace the Aircon's Filter 

If you discover that the cause of inefficiency or malfunctioning of the Heating and Cooling Supply is the dry filters, you have to replace them immediately. Actually, this ought to be done every month of the cooling season both for window and central units. And in looking for the filter's minimum efficiency reporting value, bear in mind that the higher the number, the better filtration it provides; and with that, you could balance your air-quality concerns

Fix Air Leaks 

Leaving the problem unfixed for a day or two could already mean wastage on your energy consumption or electricity bills. You're probably aware that the ducts can lose up to 30 percent of airflow through leaks, and worst is: the window units are usually the toughest to seal properly. Anyhow, you've got no choice but to fix it. Start it by finding the leaks with the old smoke trick – light the Gas Log Sets or a stick of incense and hold it where the unit and window frame meet; if the smoke blows around, then in there lies the cause of leakage. This trick varies among different types of heating cooling supply, so be sure to familiarize each of them. 

Use a Timer 

It is unwise to set the air conditioner to the maximum if you're at work, which is why having a timer is very important. If you're using central units, what you need is a programmable thermostat through which you can set higher temperatures when you're out and cooler temperatures when you're at home. And good to know that the contemporary models of window units come with built-in timers and adjustable thermostats; but if the one you choose has none, you can purchase such at any store; just make sure that it matches the voltage of the equipment. Further, it is important not to shut off the air supply heating and cooling system as doing so might result to poor functioning of the air compressor. 

Insulate the Air Conditioner 

Just like any other home appliances, it is also crucial to protect your air conditioning unit. Needless to say, this is usually placed in hot attics or crawl spaces; thus, if not insulated, it would not be able to keep cool air. In here, you can use batt insulation, spray form, rigid insulation, and other wraps depending on the location and/or model of your aircon. 

Other than these, there are some essential things that you have to know for the proper use of your air conditioning unit. Read the product manual – almost everything is in there! 

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